Wednesday, February 10, 2010

capitalC.10 (worshipping together); or "a REST is still a note"

Do you look in the mirror and say to yourself: I have something absolutely crucial to the world to do today? Nah. Me neither. Fact is (and on this I’m confident of any corroboration coming back in the affirmative) I frequently go days without really “looking”. Remember White Men Can’t Jump? You’re listening, but you’re not really hearing? Yeah, me and mirrors. You’re looking, but you’re not really seeing. Otherwise, you’d be embarrassed right now.

What in the world does that have to do with saving the world?


My entire understanding of worship has recently been rocked. By a rich young man. He also blasted my ideas of evangelism, church, mission, and while he was on a roll, kinda tweaked my perspective on success. And you know how? By walking away. Jerk.


Worship? Success? When lots of people get together, when music is sung lustily (thanks Chris) and performed excellently. When people get in touch with the Spirit and have an experience. Did I mention “lots?” The more hands there are in the air, the greater the margin of success. Pass the plate.


I don’t intend to relay skepticism or any of that weak act. Anybody can play skeptic, play devil’s advocate- play alienated child. I want to set the church free. (I can hear the hushed whispers). The church is bound to a cultural standard of success. It is bound to a culturally defined measure of beauty. Dude- culture is JACKED UP. Walk away.


Here’s the thing. Jesus was there. He wasn’t in some synagogue meeting or library. He wasn’t holed up in a cave, and he wasn’t locked in his prayer closet. He did all those things. But he also went outside sometimes. And he touched hands with some pretty vile critters. No news here. When the rich young man came, Jesus engaged with him. When the man asked a question- kind of a leading question I might add, Jesus didn’t blow him off, sass him, or otherwise try to alienate him. He simply answered. Obviously he didn’t antagonize the young man, because the young man stayed in the conversation. But in the end, the man walked away, and so did Jesus. Weird? Yeah, I’d say so.

Did Jesus fail? (err, *awk*ward silence).


I wonder what God thinks about the way we “do” church. I am easily persuaded that God loves all different kinds of churches- and not for any reason pertaining to “how” they do church. He says he measures a man by his heart, looking deep on the inside. All we can really do is look on the outside, and so, meh {shrug} that’s what we do.

“ They don’t use any instruments at all!”
“ Sometimes- sometimes people actually fall right over in church over there!”
“ They use irrelevant music, from another time.”
“well they use music that glorifies a cursed society”

Bah. Piffle. (Thanks, Jess). Listen- I’m gonna say something right now that’s gonna ruffle a feather. Maybe two feathers. Fine. I can live with that, cause you’re not my judge, and neither am I. And I pray God’s mercy on me every day because of that fact. I wonder, if “church” isn’t really about “praising God” in the way that we usually mean it OR even about “sermons” anyway? I’m just thinking out loud. Hear me out. I intend no harm. Should we teach in the church? Yes, of course. Should we give God righteous and heartfelt praise? I can’t see how we don’t.

But sometimes I wonder if we should have a look at Jesus and this “rich young ruler.” They had a fairly amicable discussion. Ok. He addressed Jesus respectfully, as a Rabbi or as a “Teacher.” Something happened.


As a musician growing up, I played in a weekend symphony. It was a way to get students together with professionals and create a peer/mentoring environment. I played my way through some serious pieces. The conductor is someone I’ll never forget- Gerry Marsh. If you know him tell him his legacy lives on in Iowa. He was a very strong and charismatic man. He had energy that could power a freight train. Or keep a symphony full of kids and “professional musicians” together. And on course even.

I remember him saying once, reminding us of the importance of the “rest” in music. He asked somebody, probably a whole section rhetorically, what note they had at such and such bar. A little voice piped up, squeeking “Nothing!” Graciously, but with strength that left no room for debate or disagreement, Marsh tapped his baton on the podium, sort of like I might scratch my head behind my ear with a pencil while thinking, and he said “A rest is equally important to any played note in the music. Just because it’s silent, doesn’t make it any less of a note.”


Our congregation has endeavored to carry many programs. We’ve had Card Ministries, Community “Game-nights”, Movie showings, special services at “non-traditional” times, Sunday school for kids, Sunday school for adults, choirs, worship bands, special music groups, technical assistance groups, shepherding elders, hospital visitors, a Food Pantry, and a free medical clinic. We’ve had coordinators for small groups, coordinators for set-up, coffee, goodies, assimilation for newcomers, greeters, teachers, mechanics, plumbers, accountants, taxidermy, you name it. Name tag people. Hand-shakers. I’m sort of surprised we haven’t ever discussed having hosts and hostesses in the bathrooms to hand you your warm towels, and what-not. Maybe we’ll hit that next year.

Some of these programs brought members together for the first time in a meaningful way. Some of them supported members who were having troubles making ends meet, or even just needed a cheer-up. Some of these ministries have endured, and some have gone by the way-side. All of them were good. But I think we (as a congregation) recognized that we needed to be doing something different. Not more. Less.


We’re having an “event” here a couple weeks from now. You’ve probably heard me mention it. It’s gonna be in an empty warehouse-style store. It’s gonna be ONE night. It’s capitalC.10 and I hope that it comes back after this one.

We’re going to be celebrating the kingship of the Lord’s Anointed One, His Messiah.

There’s going to 5 bands, from 5 different churches in Des Moines’ greater “metro” area. There’s going to be booths there from some different humanitarian organizations at work right here in Des Moines and beyond. When the program has finished every item in the building is going to be used or donated to an organization. Except the sound equipment I think.

Now: while we’re all celebrating Jesus’ kingship, there will be some people taking furniture, food, socks, blankets, and all manner of paraphernalia for donations to the Free Store, Hope Ministries, Waukee Area Christian Food Pantry and a host of other organizations.

Nope. That IS celebrating the kingship and reign of Jesus! Do you get it?

Celebrating is singing. Sure. But celebrating is DOING what you’ve been freed to do: Love your neighbor, without judgement, without condescension, without expectation of reciprocation. If they take what you offer, and turn away, you’ve done nothing more or less than exactly what Jesus did.

THAT is the Church at worship- giving freely, living freely, giving and living differently than the world gives and lives. If they come back to find out why we live and give without expectation, THEN the Spirit is at work in their hearts for harvest. Otherwise, we just keep living and breathing and doing the will of God who saves us- loving our neighbors as God loves us, and as we love God.


That is the story of the rich young ruler. Jesus was obedient to the Word of Truth in his mouth. He wasn’t counted as righteous. He was the picture of it. Yet here, a potential convert walked away, sad. But Jesus did what God wanted- he loved the man, as he watched him walk away.

capitalC.10 February 27 6322 Hickman
5+5* / $10.00

* 5 dollars, + 5 _ _ _ _ (socks, blankets, towels, cans of food, etc.)
this is how they will know us- by our righteousness love.