Forgive me if the details seem made-up. They could be. But there’s an equally good chance that they’re not.
I’m pretty sure my marriage was destined. I met her mom before I met my wife actually. Almost a year earlier. She (the MiL) remembers it- I’m not sure if I remember it or if I’ve just heard the story enough times that I’ve created the memory for myself. I was playing in the chamber orchestra- I must have been playing cello, or she probably wouldn’t have come and spoken to me. My wife played cello then. So I think MiL-ie was scouting or something.
We met for ourselves the next year. I was an R.A. (I’m not really sure what that was about- it seemed like a good idea at the time- but I was wrong and somebody else noticed before I did- whoops). I was sitting desk in the frosh men’s dorm I think when SugarMomma and MiL-ie came in to visit someone else. Suga’ says she liked my “image.” Weekly showers, long hair, and visible tattoos. Hmm. Not sure what Mil-ie thought, but now you’ve got a picture.
I was drunk. Or high. Not sure which. Maybe both. I’d gotten a whiff of radical-Jesus. I’d gotten a taste of social-justice-Jesus. I was a born-again, anti-fluff, save-the-poor-people, down-with-the-establishment, disciple of Che-Yeshua. And Karl Marx. Oh man, those were the days. I was of a generation that was gonna subvert the dominant paradigm. We were gonna drag Pat Robertson into the street and shun him publically. We were gonna dismantle the Religious Right, and sneak in through the think-tanks and social action groups. We were green. We were smart. We were young. Tri-fecta.
I revealed this glimpse of God’s kingdom to my future dad-in-law at the Koffie Boon. It was exciting because he was willing to talk to me, listen to me- and he cared! It was astounding. Now- he’s my dad-in-law for real now, so I can’t say too much more “nice” stuff, or it might go to his head.
But one thing- I couldn’t believe he wasn’t jumping onboard my Christian socialist bandwagon! Dude! Care for the poor! The widow! Eat the Rich! THAT’S WHAT THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT IS ALL ABOUT! RIGHT!??
Ok, so I may have made up that last part. But I’m sure he thought it. Ok, not sure.
He said something to me that night- well, I’m sure he said lots of things. But one thing he said in particular has stayed with me these 13 ?! years. He asked me “What if the church did all those things you want the government to do?” His suggestion, implicitly was that the Church had abdicated her blessed task and mandate to care for the sick, the elderly, the poor and the widowed- and that now people who needed it were left with no better recourse than a deficit strapped government filled with career politicians.
This week, the Church is taking back her place, at least here in Des Moines. Five churches are throwing a benefit party for the world. Or, at least for Des Moines. “capitalC.10” is an opportunity for the Church of Jesus Christ in Des Moines, IA to gather together- to worship with every faculty available. And to worship gratefully with human charity. You show up. You’ll see Jesus. He’ll be there, giving and collecting food, socks, towels, crappy couches, soup in crock-pots or gallon-sized zip lock bags, sleeping bags, clothes- He’ll be standing by watching over as we sign ourselves up to put our hands to His work. Organizations already serving in Des Moines will be there to accept your services. To be blessed by Jesus, worshipping God.
The Church will gather, the Word will be sung, the good news will be spread- the blind will see, the hungry will be hunger no more, and bound will be set free. The kingdom of heaven draws near. Come and see.
Feb 27. 6322 Hickman Road
Right on, Sean! Give us a report afterwards, huh?
Dad must be grinnin' ear to ear right now, Dude! ...proud of you... Margo