Mark ("I put the "fun" back into "fun-damentalist"") Driscoll (one of my man-crushes) says that worship is where-ever your highest devotion lies. That means, whatever it is that you MOST make time for, MOST spend money on, MOST declare as "your team"- that is what/where/how you worship.
Far be it from me to argue with THE Mark Driscoll. He is after all brilliant, and VERY well read. He's a bit of a punk, but he pulls it off. Plus, he's obviously nuts about Je-sus, so, ya know, he's got THAT going for him.
My academic background is in what is conventionally known as "reformed" or "Calvinist" schools of thought. One of the fundamentals of this school (at least as I understand it, and speak of it) is a remarkable coherence and unity between all things. Schisms are "BAD". Duality is okay- dichotomy is BAD.
Duality means two sides-, dichotomy means two separate things. I like that, because it makes sense. Things are ... one. You are, or are not. You're never "sort of." You know?
I sense that I'm losing my bearings here. Hang on.
What the world does "worship" mean? Sometimes it means "the time when we stand up and sing songs." Yeah---- no.
Sometimes it means "the time when I smash my face into the ground and moan, and speak the deep inner truths of my heart." Yeah---- (waaiiiiit....)NO.
I met a few guys yesterday at a coffeeshop. Two of them I had no working acquaintance with whatsoever. The other guy is a FACEBOOK friend. (yeah, yeah, yeah). We'd never met, but I'd been following him for awhile (NO, not stalking, but rather, observing with a caring attitude, from a slight distance, and very, very quietly). #3 guy ended up working with a new church near my old house. One I was very interested in, for the reason that it was in a downtown area, started up by a new pastor, and hot with mission. I had hoped that it would be meeting at a different time than the church where I've been serving for several years, because I was really interested in seeing a "neighborhood" church in MY neighborhood.
So, I felt like we sorta had a connection there.
Well, Chris (#3) hooked me up with an invite to this "capitalC.10" thing. No idea what that meant. I made a mental note to check into it, as it was A) from this guy who moved from California to IOWA for the explicit purposes and sake of Jesus, and therefore clearly mental for God, B) from this guy who was not prone to mass-invitations, C) really, really curious sounding.
I come to find out that if you type in "" you'll be drawn into this sweet, dark website. It just sucks you in. I think it's dark because it's actually sucking light INTO the monitor, rather than projecting it, sorta like a black hole. Now right there's a couple of cool metaphoric images that I could start writing about- but that would be a mistake...
Another one of my less-likely man crushes (yes, shhh, I'm a polygamist when it comes to the bromances) is Chip Ingram. He seems kinda shallow and feely at the front end, but if you give him time and the benefit of the doubt, you realize that his heart burns with compassion, and that he doesn't waste it preaching to the choir. He's looking for a big harvest. He'll leave the meat-and-potatoes for another time. Oh, and I think he's capable of bringing that. But even grown-ups drink milk. If I'm losing you here, stick with me, I'll be right back.
He did a series on Worship (yeah, I bought a sermon series on CD. You gonna be ok with that?). The basis was from the passage of Romans 12. That's passage, about offering our lives as a living sacrifice, a rational act of spiritual worship, is at the very center of his whole ministry.
HE says that "worship" is what results from the ENTIRE body of Christ in a locality finding and using their individual spiritual gifts, AS A WHOLE COMMUNITY.
Whoa. Wha....?
It means we each have a gift that is unique to us.
It means that we are each unique.
It means that I have something to offer that only I can offer.
It means that you need it.
It means that I NEED YOU before I can be WHO God made me to be, and YOU NEED ME before you can actualize who God has made you to be.
And it means that God has given YOU and ME unique purposes with coinciding uses, and neither of us can FULLY realize those gifts apart from each other.
Whoa, horsey.
Still waiting for this to make sense yet? Yeah, I get it. Think of how it looks from here. I still gotta make up the rest of this.
Chris, Jeremy, and the other guy, who's name I've forgotten, but I swear he looks like the guy married to Jennifer Lopez- these guys got together and said, "lets show desmo what the church looks like when it worships together."
So they've got 5 bands from different bodies of worshippers coming out to lead Des Moines Jesus-lovers in engaging praises. AND they're bringing volunteer organizations into the scene so that hands can find work. And they're going to give everything away when they're done.
See, now that sounds pretty cool. And I think there's going to be soup. Friedrichs is bringing coffee.
(bringing it together)
Mark Driscoll is probably onto something. He usually is. As far as I can tell. Chip, I think you're onto something too, so don't get your nose outta joint. (like he's reading this-- psh).
Chris, Jeremy, "Mr. Lopez" (I'm sorry, I'll get your name in a minute), you guys are right too. We're going to worship AND we're going to give all those couches, loveseats, end-tables, and coffee-tables, and lamps and pillows to the Free-store, and all those food-stuffs to Hope Ministries, and the Waukee Area Christian Food Pantry, and all the other cool .orgs that are coming out.
Here's my thing- it's all worship. Worship is an act. Yeah. But worship is also a walk. A way.
Jesus says the greatest commandment is to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength. AND, love your neighbor. Your totally doing that. Awesome, and I can't wait to help.
What does worship LOOK LIKE? It LOOKS like people loving their neighbor. Is that all? No. They aren't ONLY loving their neighbor. They're loving their neighbor BECAUSE that's how they LOVE GOD. It's more than kneeling, singing, praying--- those are all part of it. But I think it LOOKS like caring for the widow, and the orphan, and the stranger. Giving water to the thirsty, and food to the hungry.
capitalC.10: kneeling? Check. Singing? Check, Check. Watersoupfoodfurnituresocksshoesstuff? checkcheckcheck.
Grace and Peace. Reconciliation.