Monday, November 16, 2009

Time & Distance, Fame & Glory... (part II)

for T&D, F&G...(part I)


See, I’d started asking myself about motive. Did I want to write now to bring glory to God? Or was I in fact trying to sanctify megalomania?

But God is faithful and longs to communicate with His world. I’d been given an opportunity to go to a songwriter’s conference, and it was there, in the woods of the Blue mountains that God revealed two things to me. He showed me that I had misunderstood my place in the world—my perspective was too small in a sense.

Well, I was pretty frustrated. But I had to say that He was right. Again.

Too small a perspective? I came to see that I had underestimated the significance of the world I live in. What the heck does that mean? In a nutshell, I didn’t think the world around me, the world that I could actually reach out and touch, was important enough to matter to me.

Here’s what my problem is/was/will be. I am inundated with global reach. I have the internet and TV and news media, all proclaiming things happening around the globe. And as it relates to me, I see everywhere internet churches, global ministries, mega-super churches, some alive, some just … churching. But I can SEE the Holy Spirit doing amazing things, right in front of me. And my mistake is to believe that I am not being used by God unless He is sending my ministry out in the same way. In other words, blessing the church I go to, the church I serve with, the people I can actually pick up the phone and call, isn’t good enough, isn’t important enough, not to me, and not to God.

Except that’s totally bogus.

Jesus didn’t have the internet. Was He a failure? Paul didn’t have an online blog with a following all over the globe. Was He a failure? Neither did Martin Luther

The truth that God revealed to me as I kicked stones down the path on that Asheville mountain ridge was that He had me right where he wanted me, and that I spoke to exactly the right number of people that he needed me to. And that if that list was to grow, it would be because he caused it to be so. It would be because He wanted it that way. And that the only reason he would do so was because it would increase His glory.

Why do I love Paul Baloche? Because he seems like kind of a dork. And I kinda like those guys. Same goes for Mike Neale. Kinda dorky. Like the kinda guy I’d live with in a dormitory. But man do those guys know how to worship in front of God.

I said earlier that I had too small a perspective.
Well, I’m sort of thinking that the smaller I get it, with my NEW understanding of it, the quicker I may begin feeling satisfied that I am doing everything I can do in service to the King.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, and all the world-changing stuff Jesus did with just 12 close friends. So who are your 12? Maybe a small won't know until Glory just how far reaching you've reached! Keep going, Sean, you're on the right track. Remember the song, "Thank You, for giving to the Lord...." worth listening to again, man.
