Wednesday, April 15, 2009

TMI? (part 2)

(disclaimer: The following interview(s) are the opinions of the blog-writer only, and may be interpreted as whining, pissing, moaning and/or groaning, and if that is the case it is the sole prerogative of the writer to maintain such views and positions, and the sole prerogative of the reader to skip along on his merry way...)

There always seemed to be competition. I mean it was a lot like high school sometimes. But as time passed and the shop got bigger it just got worse. And I know that competition is present in other companies as well. I mean, we're taught to compete from the cradle if we have siblings. Me and my little brother ("Tigger") competed for my Dad's affections, I'm sure.

I don't want to overstate the heinous-ness of competition. I mean, let's be fair. Competition can be healthy. But it gets to a point where it is interfering with relational truthfulness.

Proposition: If you and I demonstrate our weaknesses to each other, trusting the other not to attempt to capitalize on it for self-gain, and also trusting each other to attempt to compensate for each other's weaknesses with our own strengths, is the cable stronger? or weaker?

I know I'm getting preachy. Sorry. I have gotten SO frustrated with bragadaccio, with pretense, with disdain, and arrogance that it causes an almost allergic reaction. In my brain.

Because I see it slithering through the CHURCH doing the same damn things that it does at work. Not to the same degree, but even just a little bit is enough.

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